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Bachelor and Bachelorette Party Games

Our game list is just the beginning—feel free to play your favorites, create your own challenges, or find the latest trending games on social media.

The games below are the originals that sparked the idea for this company.  Tested, and guaranteed to bring the ultimate fun and competition!

Bachelor Party Game | Man vs Fire


Rules: (Teams choose one player)

1. Players have 10 minutes to build

    fire using, agreed-upon kindling.

2. Players begin at the same time lighting one

    match (players receive 5 matches total).

3. During the lighting period players

    can add more kindling to the fire.

4. The first player to create a fire that remains

    lit for 5 minutes without adding fuel, wins.

Equipment needed: Matches and kindling

Bachelor Party Game | Solo Tower


Rules: (Teams choose one player)

1. Using plastic cups player's must

    stack a tower six feet tall

2. The first player to build a six-foot tower

    and have it remain standing, wins

Equipment needed: 200 plastic cups

Bachelor Party Game | Plastic Mummy


Rules: (Teams choose one player) 

1. The player is wrapped by the opposing

    team with on roll of plastic wrap.

2. The first player to get out

    of the plastic wrap wins.

Equipment needed: Plastic wrap

Bachelor Party Game | Beer Pong


Rules: Teams choose two players.

1.  Fill six cups with any beverage, place them

    in a triangle on opposite sides of a table.

2. Teams of two take turns throwing a

    pong ball into the other team's cups.

3. Once a ball lands in a cup, the cup

    is taken away and opponents drink.

5. The game is won once one team

    makes all the opponent's cups.

Equipment needed: Ping pong balls and cups

Bachelor Party Game | Target Toss


Rules: (Team choose two players)

1. Players start 6 feet apart from teammates.

2. Players toss a football to a teammate, after

    a successful toss players take a step back.

3. Players are allowed to move only

    one foot to stretch for a catch.

4. The game is over after two dropped
    passes. Teams play at the same time.

Equipment needed: Two footballs

Bachelor Party Game | Sumo


Rules: (Teams choose one player)

1. The player's goal is to push the opposing

    player outside a predetermined boundary.

2. The first player to push opposing player

    outside the boundary three times, wins.

3. Any part of the body that touches

    outside the circle results in a loss.

Equipment needed: Rope to create a

    boundary or a floating dock.

 Bachelor Party Game | Pop it


Rules: (Teams choose one player)

1. Players blow up 5 balloons until they pop.

2. The first player to pop all 5 balloons wins.

3. Must wear eye and ear protection.

Equipment needed: Balloons,

Eye and ear protection

"Make the games your own—feel free to adjust the rules, add twists, and play your way for the ultimate fun and competition!"

We searched social media for the best games so you don’t have to. Below are hilarious and exciting games groups are playing online!


Rules: (Teams choose one player)

1. Players collect marshmallows in bowl

2. Whoever collects the most wins round

3. First player to win 3 rounds wins

Equipment needed: Cups & Marshmallows


Rules: (Teams choose one player)

1. Players collect skittles in bowl

2. Whoever collects the most wins round

3. First player to win 3 rounds wins

Equipment needed: Chopsticks & Skittles


Rules: (All contestants play)

1. Player runs to a bananas at end of race

2. Player eats banana before running to back

3. Player tags next person in line 

Equipment needed: Bananas


Rules: (All contestants play)

1. Players pick bag up with mouth

2. If a players hand touches floor they lose

3. Last player standing wins

Equipment needed: Brown Bag


Rules: (Teams choose one player)

1. Player rolls dice & does push-ups rolled

2. Players alternate rolls.

3. Game ends when one cannot continue

Equipment needed: Contestant


Rules: (Teams choose one player)

1. Blinded folded player eats baby food

2. Player guesses flavor

3. Player that gets the most right wins

Equipment needed: Baby Food


Rules: (All contestants play)

1. Players tie a string with dog around waist

2. Players swing dog trying to catch it in mouth

3. Players are out once they catch the hot dog

4. Team with the final player remaining loses

Equipment needed: Hot Dogs & String


Rules: (Teams choose player)

1. Players attach tissue box filled with balls

2. Players shake to get balls out of box

3. First player to get all balls out, wins

Equipment needed: Tissue Box, Balls, String


Rules: (Teams choose two players)

1. Two players on the same team grip towel

2. Towel is crossed as seen in video

3. Players separate without letting go of towel

Equipment needed: Towel


Rules: (Teams choose one players)

1. Players march in place for one minute

2. Player closest to box after minute wins

3. First player to win 3 rounds wins.

Equipment needed: Tape For Box


Rules: (All contestants play) 

1. Players walk around table until music stops

2. Players grab a cup and flip 

3. Last player to flip cup is out

4. Play until one player remains

Equipment needed: Cups & Music


Rules: (Teams choose two players)

1. Player draws image on teammates back

2. Teammate draws image on wall

3. Teams go at the same time & use same image

4. 5 rounds winner gets the most correct

Equipment needed: Towel

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